Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ending 2008

So another year has come and gone. I'm not sure what all of my goals/resolutions were from last year. LOL

My goals for 2009 are pretty simple. Become healthier in all aspects of my life. Physical, emotional, & financial.

To reach my physically healthier goal, I plan to take up running/walking again and plan to enter at least 2 5k's during the year. I'm also looking into yoga.

Emotional health goal is the hardest I think. I plan make a point of taking time out at least once a week just for me. Also I will not allow myself to become a homebody.

Financial health means making a budget & sticking to it. Starting a savings acct. Hopefully at some point I'll be getting a part time job to help contribute to our financial health.

So, See ya later 2008, come & get me 2009.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I have a new addiction

LOL Getting tattooed. My newest pretty Photobucket

I have plans for my next one too. And additions to the last 2. Like I said an addicction.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Moving sucks

I hate packing. More I hate limbo. We don't have a place to move to but we really need to move. I'm turning in our 30 day notice today. I plan on having DH give his 2 week notice on Friday or Monday. We'll pack up & move to storage if we have to. I need to have closure.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Boxes, Boxes everywhere

I'm literally up to my waist in boxes.

5 boxes of board games & 10 boxes of DVD's.

I haven't even finished packing all my books.

I have my shoes ready to go into a box just haven't gotten to them.

I need to pack up my baking, cake decorating, and craft supplies. So we have a place to put the boxes.

Now we just have to find a place to live.