Friday, April 23, 2010

Life is crazy.

Decisions are being made & verbalized.

Finally finished my Pharmacy Tech course. Now I'm just waiting for my test booklet so I can study & then schedule my test.

Planning on enrolling in a Spanish class over the summer. Hoping to get into a EMT course for the fall. Taking classes is limited because I'll be paying for them out of pocket.

Need to find a job. Then get my own car. I've found one I can afford even working part time it's not the best but it'll do me.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!!!

It's official, I'm old. ;-)

At 10:53 am PT I will officially be 36 years old.

Monday, September 21, 2009

San Diego

I miss it there so much. Spent Wed- Sun there. It's definitely still home.

Came back with new ink.

I'm heading back in less than 3 weeks for my birthday. Starting my huge back/side tattoo.

Love all my friends there.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The last 2 weeks

The last 2 weeks have been crazy/hectic.

A little bit of a time line...
Wed. 7/22 ~ K is sick. Take him to the doc. She mentions swine flu but only in passing. I don't think anything of it. Just keep on trucking as usual.

Thurs. 7/23 ~ Kids find an injured baby turkey. Off to the wildlife hospital.

Sat. 7/25 ~ Z is washing dishes, manages to drop a plate on the floor & have a piece of it bounce back up & stab him in the top of the foot. Of course it cut a vein & it looks like a murder scene when I walk in. 3 stitches.

Mon. 7/27 ~ Finally get a chance to call the hospital to check on the little turkey. Come to find out that he had to be euthanized. Compression fracture of the spine. Which means some one probably threw a rock at him and broke his back. :( People suck.

Pretty calm for a couple of days. Kids are a little coughy/fevery but not too sick.

Wed. 7/29 ~ B is get sick. So is T.

Fri. 7/31 ~ T's asthma has flared up out of control. When he gets like this we have to get him on steroids. Nothing else works. So I take him to the Dr., different one than K saw. Dr. says the dreaded words... "Swine Flu"! Gah!!! Not what I wanted to hear. He requested chest x-rays to rule out pneumonia. Did a swab sample for testing for the flu so now we're in limbo.

I wonder how many people we exposed to the flu if that's what he has? We went about our daily lives thinking it was just a virus.

Today B called his boss & told him that we may have 'The Flu,' so that he could let the employees in the office know.

We'll let him know for sure On Sat or Sun. once we get the results.

Life is crazy.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

It's been a long week.

First KC has a virus & asthma flare up.

Then he shares said virus with the whole family. We've all had low grade fevers. :(

Today Z got stitches in his foot. Nothing like walking into the kitchen and seeing what looks like a murder scene. Blood everywhere.

I need a vacation.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Young Frankenstien

It's what we're watching tonight.


Yes I'm raising my kids on the warped classics.